
Divorce Care

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV) 

Divorce Care is a biblically based lay-led support group program to help people hurting from the pain of divorce, separation or contemplating one or the other.  So many emotions.  So many challenges.  You don’t have to go through it alone.  Divorce Care offers support, answers, and practical tools to help you manage the many stresses around these areas and  help to find healing.  It is designed to encourage reconciliation whenever possible.

This is a 13-week program.  Anyone can join at anytime during the program depending on availability.

“This is a topic that is near and dear to my heart and I am excited about the potential Divorce Care has to impact both our congregation and the community.  I have felt God nudging me in this direction and that it is my calling to demonstrate to others that there is hope and joy following this pain and that God has a plan for your life.” ~ Beverly Moore, Divorce Care Facilitator.

This is a 13-week program.  Anyone can join at anytime during the program depending on availability. 

DC4K provides your children with a safe and neutral place to gain an age-appropriate understanding of separation and divorce. They will learn how to process and share their feelings. DC4K is designed for kids 5–12 years of age.

For 13 weeks your children become involved in a fun, caring group that meets near you. The weekly session topics help your children learn that God’s love strengthens them and helps them turn their sadness to hope and their anger to joy.

Each session is filled with motivating and exciting activities. Games, crafts, role playing, discussion times, journaling, and activity books help your children process the divorce and move forward in their lives. The music, snacks, read-aloud stories, exercises, and Bible verses teach your children to relax and rest secure in God’s love. The Kids Like Me and Stories from the Bible video dramas present stories of children just like your children, who are experiencing divorce-related problems and have found help and encouragement.

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